Food: 6-7 dusted crickets
Toilet: Yes
Behaviour: Lolly weighed in at 14 grams today. A big increase from last week. Not surprising I guess as she has been eating heaps. From what I can tell, she is still probably around 17cm.
JT and I weighed and fed her together which was fun. We also got to have a good hold of her. She seems to be a lot more comfortable with being handled. Our youngest, is also very keen to be handling the Dragons, but, I am introducing her to it all gradually. She is only 2 and still learning to go at things slowly. I let her touch Lolly gently which she enjoys.
Lolly shed a lot of skin today. Most of her back and belly looks to have gone now. Her legs are starting now. From what I understand you have to be very careful with their limbs shedding. Sometimes the skin around their toes can not come off properly and lead to it constricting them. This can at worst lead to the toes losing circulation and dropping off. So we will be watching closely over the next few days.
Food: Not sure, but, maybe a cricket or two
Toilet: Not sure, don't think so
Behaviour: Quite and encouraging day today. While Booster only weighed in at 8 grams again this week, I am pretty confident that he is looking to eat again. I have been letting a few crickets out while feeding Lolly in the tote tray and not even touching Booster at the time. Today, we went to put Lolly back in the enclosure, Booster was right where the crickets had been, looking like he had been hunting. Also, his tummy certainly looked fuller than it has in the past few days.
In addition to what I hope was some food, Booster was head bobbing and waving today. Some very exaggerated head bobbing and waving of both hands. I haven't seen him do either for ages, so I hope this is a good sign that he is feeling better!
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