Saturday, April 10, 2010

Dragon Diary - 10/04/2010


Food: 8-9 crickets, grated carrot!
Toilet: Yes
Behaviour: Well what an interesting start to the day.  I was going to clean out the enclosure and weigh the dragons today, but, we were flat out with JT's first estedford for dance.  Instead I gave the enclosure a quick once over for poo and put in some fresh carrot.  I've never seen either of the Dragons eat any of the carrot until today. I gave them a squirt of water straight after putting the carrot in.  To my surprise Lolly not only ran away from the misty water, but ran straight over to the food dish and started eating the carrot!  Awesome!

This evening, Lolly also snapped up 8 or 9 crickets in the tote tray.  I handled her for a few minutes before putting her back in the enclosure which was nice.  She was quite settled.  I read that it is best to approach them with your hand as low as possible.  Inately, Dragons are conditioned to expect to be preyed upon from above.  So a big hand swooping down on them from on high is something they don't tend to react well to....  Today, I tried bringing my hand in from a lower angle to pick up Lolly and she seemed far more receptive and calm in general while I was handling her.  Lesson learned.


Food: Not sure.
Toilet: Don't think so
Behaviour:  An encouraging sign was that while I was feeding Lolly in the tote tray, Booster came down from his perch and was moving around the bottom of the enclosure.  I had let a few crickets out and hoped like usual that Booster might eat some while Lolly and I were away.  While I didn't see him eat any, it was encouraging that he was out and about while food was on offer.  I saw him a few times in different places today, so maybe he got some food.  Even if it was just some carrots, it would be great to see him eat something.

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