I am starting to think about winter overnight temperature management. This morning the enclosure was only about 15C when we got up. I have been advised that anything down to about 10C is ok, but, given that it is only really a little into Autumn, I think it is time to take action. I am looking at either getting another fitting into the enclosure to house a ceramic bulb (ie one that emits heat and no light) or seeing how effective a heat mat under the enclosure will be.
Food: Only saw 2 dusted crickets get eaten, might have had a go at some carrot
Toilet: Yes
Behaviour: Lolly was not so eager at the crickets this evening. It was cold this morning, which might have slowed her down. More likely, the crickets were not so active and she only really goes for them when they are moving. She did grab a couple so that was good.
JT and her sister both had a hold today. It was the first time for our littlest who was very good and still. I think she enjoyed the experience very much. I've never seem her so still for so long at one time!
Food: None witnessed. Might have gone some carrot...
Toilet: Not sure
Behaviour: Not interested in food today that I saw. There were some crickets floating around so he might have gotten one of those. I left him in the enclosure again while I fed Lolly. He was nice and calmly chillaxing in a bush. When I spayed water mist he was actively licking it up off the leaves, so that is encouraging.