Lolly is our larger Dragon. She is energetic and pretty easy going. Read on to learn more about her.
Vital Statistics (July 2011)
Name: Lolly
Age: 18 Months
Weight: 417 grams
Species: Central Bearded Dragon (Pogona vitticeps)
Sex: Female
Lolly is energetic and easy to care for so far. She eats well when food is on offer and seeks us out when she thinks it should be!
She is great to handle and is open to being held by little visitors we have from time to time (even some bigger ones too). Lolly has fitted straight in and seems almost taken the role of the top dog as it were from the moment she stepped in to the enclosure. She has displayed no aggressive behaviour to Beau with whom she shares the Den. As you can see from her photo, she can display some nice colouration and marking.
Interesting Facts
Lolly has been sunning herself as Dragons like to do. She doesn't appear to have a favourite spot as yet. Rather, she likes to move around to find the right temperature to suit. This is healthy behaviour for reptiles in general. Reptiles on the whole are referred to as cold blooded. Unlike people and other mammals they don't have the ability to maintain their body heat at a constant temperature through physiological means. What this means is that they need to use external sources of heat to keep their bodies at a temperature that is suitable for them to function.
So for Lolly to be picking different spots to maintain a suitable temperature is a great sign. It helps her to digest her food properly and keeps her metabolism going well.