Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Dragon Diary - 31/03/2010

I cleaned out the enclosure today.  I fed Booster and Lolly first, then cleared out everything.  I was a bit concerned about whether or not we would have enough crickets for the Dragons over the long weekend, so I wanted to check if I could reclaim any that had wandered behind the rock wall display at the back of the enclosure.  It was a good opportunity to take everything out and make sure it all got a wipe down or shake out where required.  Lolly and Booster were in the tote tray and were both pretty flighty, but I gave them a cuddle on the way back in to make them feel better.

I think I managed to relcaim about a dozen or more crickets hiding out the back.  Adding those to the ones I already knew about, I think we have the long weekend covered.  If this was not the case I was going to pick some more up when I went to check on Lizzy tomorrow.  I think we'll be right though.

Lizzy Puff

Food:  NA
Toilet:  NA
Behaviour:  Lizzy is still at Reptiles Inc. getting some TLC.  I will contact them tomorrow to check on her.


Food: None witnessed.
Toilet: Yes
Behaviour:  Didn't witness Booster eating anything today.  He seems active enough and I am starting to see him hunt around a bit in a similar way to Lolly, so he still seems fine enough.  I saw some more waving today which is always interesting.

I saw some sandy colourouration in Booster today, which makes me wonder if he might have a little Central Bearded Dragon in her.  Lolly is much darker by comparison and her markings are quite different as well.


Food:  4-6 crickets
Toilet:  Yes
Behaviour:  Lolly is going from strength to strength.  She has been eating well, chasing down crickets at every opportunity.  I even caught her having a go at some carrot that I have put in their with the Dragons to get them used to it.  She is another one that likes to run away when I try to handle her, but, is happy to be safely held when I have her.

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