Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Dragon Diary - 30/03/2010

Lizzy Puff

Food: NA
Toilet: NA
Behaviour:  As JT mentioned yesterday, Lizzy is off at the Reptile Store getting some expert TLC.  I will be checking in on her progress on Thursday.  I was quite hopeful after my trip in as Sarah (the staff member I have been dealing with) was very positive about Lizzy's health.  She said that while it was a concern that Lizzy hadn't been eating, she was still in a good state.  A good indicator was that when the container she was in was moved, her head tracked (moved) to maintain her line of sight.  This is a sign that her sense of her centre of gravity was still intact.  This is one of the first things to go when a baby Dragon is in trouble.

We'll see how Lizzy is on Thursday.  Who knows we may end up with Three Dragons at the end of it all!

I just wanted to add here that Reptiles Inc. where we got our Dragons and supplies have been fantastic.  Their advice and support throughout the experience has been amazing!  So if you are in the Canberra region (or beyond) they are well worth a look.  The private collection on display is fantastic too.


Food:  none witnessed in the last day or so, but confident that he has been sneaking a cricket or two while we're out.
Toilet: Yes
Behaviour:  Booster has been getting used to Lolly in the enclosure with him.  He appears to be taking a relatively submissive posture towards her (we're thinking of Lolly as a her for now).  In gerneal he seems quite normal and happy enough.  He doesn't take to being handled and certainly won't go for food if I pick him up and place him on the floor of the enclosure as I put the crickets in.  He tends to want to feed on the sly and chase the odd cricket down while we are either out or he thinks we're not watching.  Who'd of thought there were cheeky Dragons!


Food: 5-7 crickets over 2 days
Toilet: Yes
Behaviour:  Lolly is settling in really well.  Like Booster she is a little reluctant to be handled.  Once she is held though, she is quiet enough.  JT held her for the first time this evening and was really chuffed.  Her colourings are much darker that either Lizzy or Booster making her easy to pick.

I put some crickets in the enclosure yesterday shortly after I put Lolly in and she was very happy to snap a couple up.  Again today, after I put her on the floor and popped some crickets in, she went straight at them grabbing 2 quickly.  She chased down at least one more roaming cricket shortly after too.  So she appears to be feeding quite well.

Lolly likes to sit atop the highest perch in the enclosure.  From what I have read, this is a sign of dominance.  The senior Dragon will always look to take the best basking spot, which, is usually the highest point.  I never saw Booster as a dominant one, he continues to hand wave, towards Lolly now.  Funny how Lolly has just slotted in apparantly happy as Larry as they say.  I suspect that one day we will find out that Lolly is the boy and Booster is the girl.  Won't that be a fun day :-).

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