Thursday, April 1, 2010

Dragon Diary - 01/04/2010

Lizzy Puff

Food:  NA
Toilet:  NA
Behaviour:  I rang and checked up on Lizzy today.  From what Sarah and Reptiles inc. told me, she has eaten on at least one of the days that she has been there.  She is still pretty much as we left her, no better, no worse.  I am going to check back in early next week.


Food: None seen
Toilet: probably
Behaviour:  I tried feeding Booster in the tote tray today.  He wasn't interested, so I popped him back into the enclosure and let a few crickets out for him to chase down when he is ready.  I haven't seen him eat for a couple of days, which, is always a little bit of a concern.  He seems energetic and happy, so I will go with the positive thinking approach and guess that he is eating on the sly :-).


Food:  4-5 crickets witnessed
Toilet:  Yes
Behaviour:  Lolly is proving to be a great addition to our Dragons.  She is as energetic as Booster, but, much easier to manage in terms of feeding etc.  I popped her in the tote tray to feed.  She snaffled up 4 or 5 crickets in quick time.  Couldn't ask for more.  If I can get Booster feeding in the same way, I won't have to worry about crickets loose in the enclosure or how much each of them are eating.  Perfect!

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