Another month in the books. Time for the monthly health check for the reptiles. I have gained a lot of pleasure with all of our animals this month in different ways. They are a good bunch!
Length: 45.8 (+3.8)
Food: Bok Choy, Crickets, Super Worms
Toilet: Yes
Behaviour: Lolly has woken up from her long winter nap full of life. If you had slept for the better part of 3 months I'm sure you'd be full of beans too! She is eating well and I think she might be gravid, or at least in the early stages of producing her first clutch for the season. I had her outside in the garden yesterday getting some natural light. She always looks better for it and is showing some nice colours.
Weight: 280 grams (-2)
Length: 44.4 cm (+2.4)
Food: Bok Choy, Crickets, Super Worms
Toilet: Yes
Behaviour: Our resident stud male Dragon has been in fine form. He's been head bobbing with a black beard and making sure Lolly is kept in line. I am thinking that at some stage I will need to get him a second mate so that Lolly doesn't stress out too much. Having said that, she is a big girl and can look after herself. I have taken a few photos of Beau lately where he has been displaying some sensational colours. Of course being weighed and measured does not encourage him to do that as in this photo. He's very calm to handle now as he usually thinks that being picked up means food time! We're very happy to have him in our group.
Length: 65.6 cm (+5.7)
Food: 2 fuzzies per week
Toilet: regular (weekly)
Behaviour: Lacey could not be a more laid back pet. She is just easy going and easy to care for. We get her out for a bit of a cruise around a few times a week and she just seems so comfortable with everything. She has been powering along with her eating, never refusing a feed. She has put on nearly half her body weight again this month and grown over 5cm in length. That's a big effort indeed. I am mindful of the fact that Diamond Pythons are known to over eat if allowed to and can be prone to becoming obese and developing health issues as a result. Even with that in mind, Lacey is looking good, fit and strong.
Length: 33.7 cm (+6.9)
Food: eggs, dog food, super worms
Toilet: regular
Behaviour: At the end of the second month that Bruce has been with us, he has again put on an amazing amount of weight. I am very pleased. As I have noted before, he didn't come to us in the best of condition, so seeing him going so well is really satisfying. Even just when picking him up, it is very noticeable that his mass has increased. He is also continuing to calm down nicely. I have taken him outside for some natural light this week a couple of times. The most recent excursion was this afternoon. I took my camera with the express purpose of getting some pictures of him in a defensive display. The wide open mouth with his broad tongue displayed is really an impressive sight. He is so relaxed now that he didn't give me the opportunity. I took a bunch of photos regardless that I will share at a later date. There were some pretty good shots in there, but, I was a little disappointed not to get the shot I was after. Still the kids and I had fun in the process.
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