Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Dragon Diary - 04/05/2010

Pretty standard day today.  Fed the Beardies had a hold with the kids and checked on the crickets :-).

What I did forget to mention on Sunday was that JT and I went to the zoo.  I took some photos of what is probably my favourite type of reptile, the Chameleon. Unfortunately for the amateur enthusiast and probably fortunately for the Australian environment at least, you have to be a zoo to import exotic species of reptiles.  Even then there are some pretty tight restrictions in some states from what I am lead to believe.  So for me, it was really nice just to see one in the flesh.

Here are a couple of pics of a Veiled Chameleon (Chamaeleo calyptratus), that I took while we were there.  He was shedding, so I think his colours were somewhat diminished as a result.  The flash on my camera didn't do much justice through the glass to him either.  But, it was very enjoyable to see him.  He was quite active in the enclosure, walking one end to the other and top to bottom while we were there.  Very interesting.


Food: About a dozen crickets, bok choy
Toilet: Yes
Behaviour: Lolly ate in the feeding tray again tonight.  She was happy to eat with the kids in and around  in the room.  They both lined up for a cuddle afterwards and Lolly was more than happy to oblidge.  She is still shedding.  Most of her tail seems finished.  Her right forelimb was getting done today.  Looked a bit funny.  Like she had two hands on that side.

Interestingly, while she was sitting on my lap, she noticed a few crickets that I had left in the feeding tray on the coffee table and made her way quietly over to the table to try her luck.  She also hopped down to the floor to have a little look around.  I won't be letting her out and about on her own while she is this small as I don't want her crawling somewhere that it will be difficult to retrieve her from.  However, a very pleasing thing was that she was not fussed when I went to retrieve her on a couple of occasions.  She wasn't stressed and did not try to run away.  It augers well for the future when she is bigger and has run of the house....(haha, like Louise (my wife) will let that happen :-) ).


Food: 1 cricket, bok choy
Toilet: Yes
Behaviour: Booster wasn't too fussed with crickets tonight.  He watched as the starter one I put in to get him onto the floor for more got around for a bit, but, made no great effort to chase it down.  He was sitting in the very far end of the den where it is coolest, just chilaxing.  I think he might have just been full from yesterday and some bok choy today.  We'll see how he goes tomorrow.


Nothing exciting to report here.  They are still chirping and waiting their move into the garage this weekend.  Nothing has hatched yet.  Although I don't really expect too much at this stage and nothing at all for at least a couple of weeks.

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