Food: About 13 crickets, bok choy
Toilet: Not sure
Behaviour: Lolly is shedding the skin on her tail at the moment. The rest of her has a sandy yellow tinge happening. Certainly nothing like images of bright yellow Central Beardies that I have seen around the web, but, quite a natural colour. I'm not sure how common bright orange and/or yellow Centrals are in the wild, but, I must admit to finding the ones I have seen that are captive bred to accentuate these colours sometimes a little over the top. Probably just my taste though.
Lolly ate in her feeding tray today. The last few days I haven't been confident that she would eat in there any more. So basically I was just putting in a few crickets to keep her at least somewhat occupied while I fed Booster in the den. Today, she just happily ate in the tub, which was great. She then had a good time on the couch with JT, Danika and me. She seemed quite happy to sit, perched on the top corner of the cushion and check us all out as we chatted. She only got the slightest bit nervous when Danika made some sudden movements and loud noises. She is only two so I think we can forgive her for being a little exuberant at times :-).
Food: 12 crickets, bok choy
Toilet: I think so
Behaviour: Booster is now fairly jumping clear across the den as soon as I drop a cricket or two in with him. This is a most welcome change to the attitude to food in the past few weeks. This last week of eating well has really settled my nerves when it comes to his ongoing health prospects. It's a big relief. Having said that, I would like to see him put on some more size. But, I imagine that Lolly will always be just that little bigger for the next little while. At least they are now eating similar amounts.
I took out the first laying dish today and put it in its own container to await any hatching that might happen. Unfortunately the breeding tub is starting to get a distinct odour to it. Whilst it is not "get me out of the room before I puke" bad, it is just off putting enough to make me want to put it out in the garage. So my project for this week is going to be the successful transplant of the brood stock out in to the garage. I have some shelving out there that will do the trick nicely. I will just have to do some clearing up. Well overdue regardless, so this is a good motivation to do it!
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