Saturday, April 3, 2010

Dragon Diary - 03/04/2010


Food:  None witnessed
Toilet: Not sure
Behaviour: Booster was pretty much the same today.  He seems to get around the enclosure during the day a fair bit.  Still likes to bask a lot too.  I tried leaving him in the enclosure to feed while taking Lolly out.  I then left him out of sight with a few crickets in there with him.  I am not confident that he had any, but, you never know.


Food: 2 crickets witnessed
Toilet: Yes
Behaviour:  I imagine Lolly is still a bit full from yesterday.  I fed her in the tote tray with JT again today.  She snaffled 1 cricket up before seeming a little disinterested.  She took a snap at another that walked up to her, but, it got away and she didn't seem fussed at all.  Later on I saw her leap half way accross the rock backdrop in the enclosure to snaffle up a stray cricket, so she is definately interested enough when she wants to be!  Otherwise, she is going really well.

Lizzy Puff

Lizzy is still at Reptiles inc. I'll give an update next time I speak with them.

At this stage, if she is just plodding along, we may just stick with Lolly and Booster.  In the wild, Bearded Dragons are fairly prolific breeders with a view to a quantity over quality.  From what I have learned, the mothers can have up to 30 eggs 3 times in one season.  As a result the mother puts all her energy into as many of them as possible, while they are inside her.  However, some just miss out on what they need.  In captivity, more of these undernourished young survive, but, they are more difficult to own.  Sarah from Reptiles inc. told me that last season, they had a batch of baby Dragons where some of them were born without livers!  All part of nature, but weird none the less.

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