Friday, April 2, 2010

Dragon Diary - 02/04/2010


Food:  None witnessed
Toilet:  Probably
Behaviour:  Didn't see Booster eat anything again today.  Tried tote tray feeding and then feeding him without Lolly in the enclosure with no luck, at least that we witnessed anyway.  I have also added carrot and some juvenile Dragon pellets.  I still think that Booster might be eating on the side, but, am becoming less confident as each day goes by.  I weighed him again today and he was the same weight as last week, 8 grams.  It's interesting to think that from what I understand adults can get up to between 600-700 grams!


Food: 7 crickets (dusted) witnessed
Toilet: Yes
Behaviour: Lolly was happy to eat in the tote tray again today.  She snapped up 7 crickets dusted with vitamins and calcium powder before losing interest.  The crickets we have at the moment have been with us for a couple of weeks now.  They are starting to get quite big.  We are not meant to feed Dragons anything wider than the distance between their's getting pretty close now with the crickets getting so big.

Lolly also weighed in at 8 grams.  Although I suspect that she will be bigger next week if she keeps eating this way.  JT had a great time holding her after the feeding and we took some good photos.  I will put a selection of them up soon.

Lizzy Puff

Lizzy is still at Reptiles inc.  I'll give an update next time I speak with them.

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