We lost our first animal the other day. It was one of the baby Golden Tail Geckos. I had held fears for it from the start as it was what you might call the runt of the litter. It was born a couple of days after it's clutch mate and was just that little bit smaller and less developed. I saw it trying to catch food, and yet was never quite successful.

One morning about a week after it hatched, I found it curled up in a corner at the front of it's enclosure. It looked quite out of sorts. I picked it up and it was listless and the top of its head was what I would describe as almost caved in. My first thought was dehydration, despite the fact that I mist them regularly. I put a couple of drops of water in the palm of my hand with it only for the little one to give one final kick before expiring. Quite a sad little moment. This is a picture of him the day he was born.
Its clutch mate is going as strong as any of our other geckos. Feeding and drinking well. I don't know why the little guy left us so quickly, but, rest in peace little dude.
On a brighter note, the third clutch of Golden Tails hatched yesterday. They both look very healthy and strong. Here is one from this morning. They come out so perfectly ready for action. Fully formed and ready to go!

The first of the Golden Tail clutches is also going sensationally. They are just so awesome to watch at night, hunting around their home. Whilst I am no expert, I think they are now of a size where I can sex them. I believe that there is one male and one female. Time will tell of course, but, that would mean we have at least one keeper as I am after a couple more females to put in with my adult male. The young male will most likely be the first gecko I ever sell. The bar form seems to be the most popular of the three sub species of Golden Tails so I don't think I will have too much trouble if it comes to it. But as the saying goes, there is a first time for everything...
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