Thursday, August 4, 2011

Reptile Health Diary – 04/08/2011

It’s been a good month with our reptiles. We’ve enjoyed feeding, handling and just generally caring for our animals. All appear to be going well and are just great to have around. I plan to post up entries in the health diary like this at the start of each month.

Lolly is still sleeping at the moment.  I have started providing light, heat and UV during the day for somewhat shorter duration that I would normally because Beau is up and about.  Lolly seems to be un-phased and keeps on sleeping for the most part.  I did not disturb her to take measurements or anything for this entry.  What I have seen of her though suggests that she is in very good physical condition.

Weight: 282 grams (+2)
Length: 42 cm
Food: Bok Choy, Crickets, Super Worms
Toilet: Yes (after a bath)
Behaviour: Beau has woken up and has made it necessary for me to turn the light and heat back on in the Dragons' Den.  Lolly woke up at one point and was pretty much set upon by Beau with a view to mating.  So he has woken up frisky to say the least.  This is not unexpected as the cooling period sets reptiles like Bearded Dragons up for successful breeding.  So it looks like Beau could well turn out to be the stud male we were hoping him to be!

Weight: 43 grams (+5)
Length: 59.9 cm (+2.2)
Food: 2 pinkies per week
Toilet: regular
Behaviour: Lacey continues to be a fantastic pet.  She is eating enthusiastically every time.  She seems to be growing well judging by her weight and length.  I have nothing to gauge this by, other than the fact that both measurements are going up.  The advise that I received when I bought her was that if she stops growing, then she is not eating enough.  So I don't know if this is a fast or slow rate of growth, I am satisfied enough to know that she is growing.

Weight: 270 grams (+48 grams)
Length: 26.86 cm
Food: eggs, dog food, super worms
Toilet: regular
Behaviour: WOW!  Bruce has been with us for just under a month now.  In that time he has put on an additional 22% body weight.  That is pleasing to say the least.  He has also settled down a lot.  Handling him does not seem to present any issues any more.  He huffs and puffs a little in some circumstances, but, has not put on and displays or even once attempted to bite.  He seems to be much happier in general from what I can tell.  Today we had him out in the lounge room for a bit of a roam and offered him some super worms.  I had offered him them once before upon his arrival and he had turned his nose up at them.  Today, whilst he would not take them from my hand, he took half a dozen or more of them when they were placed in front of him.  As much as I have been happy seeing him eat eggs and dog food, I was very pleased indeed to see him take some live food.  The next step will be to get him eating his veggies!  Now that he is getting some meat on his bones, I hope that he will take to the greens as well as they form a very important part of the nutritional requirements of Shinglebacks.

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