Tuesday, February 1, 2011

New Vids

Well actually they are from a while ago.  But I hadn't got around to posting them up here for some reason.  I have put them up on the videos page of this blog and will put them here for now as well.

First one is of Lolly feeding using a fake rock feeder.  It is hollow and splits in two allowing me to put crickets inside.  It also allows me to put calcium and vitamin powders inside and coat the crickets by shaking the rock.  There is a small hole with a plug.  As you can see the crickets do come out into the light of their own accord.  Not the best move they will ever make....

Second one is of me hand feeding Booster.  It's funny, he has always been a very flighty critter to handle and really doesn't enjoy it at all.  However, he is happy enough to be hand fed.  So much so, he has latched hold of my finger a couple of times and left a mark or two in the process.  Both our Dragons have never lashed out to bite us.  Both have only ever nipped once or twice in the action of hand feeding.

If you are interested, there are a couple of other videos on the My Videos Page, including one of a very small Lolly being fed.  Amazing to see how she has grown!

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