Monday, February 14, 2011

Baby Boom - Issue #6

So the day has finally come.  Our babies have started to emerge.  The dimpled egg was indeed a sign of a baby about to hatch.  At the moment we have 11 eggs that have had some action.  There is 1 baby completely out and about.  See the video below for some footage of him.  The other 10 eggs have little heads poking out of them.  That still leaves up to 14 more to go!  In all likelihood, only 13 of those at most will emerge due to the collapsed egg, but, what a clutch of little Dragons we will have if that does eventuate.

I have set up the hospital tank in readiness to house the babies for a while.  I would like the kids to have access to them to complete the whole experience.  Then I will most likely take them into Reptile's Inc. as we have no long term capability of housing them.  I have also had one work colleague show real interest in having one as a pet.  I said that was fine, so long as he had the right setup to house it correctly.  I have sent him all the information to get started and make sure that I hang on to at least one Dragon for a couple of weeks just in case.

For now, I will let the pictures do the talking.  Click on any of them to see them full sized.  Enjoy!


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