Monday, June 21, 2010

Dragon Diary - 07-21/06/2010

Hello....Is this thing on??  It's been a while.  Apologies to anyone that pops by and reads updates on our Dragons.  Although judging by the site statistics, I am about the only person that does :-).

Lolly and Booster have been going along very well in the last couple of weeks.  I'll update you in their individual reports below.


Weight: 62 grams (+19)
Length: 26 cm
Food: Everything put in front of her (medium crickets and veggies)
Toilet:  Regular
Behaviour: Lolly is readily accepting food from our hands now.  It's just good fun feeding her as a result.  She'll grab crickets when they are walking on our hands or when we dangle them in front of her.  She has even sat on my lap and eaten them out of my hands.  It's great to watch her poke her little tongue out ready to grab the crickets chameleon like.  Her tongue is nothing like the length of a chameleon's, but, she uses it in a similar way to secure her food.

A big growth again in the last couple of weeks for Lolly.  Just under 20 grams and what looks to me to be about 2 cm in length.  I am a bit iffy on the length as it is not an exact science for me.  Regardless a 50% increase in weight in 2 weeks is fantastic.  It says to me that she is going great guns!


Weight: 28 grams (+6 grams)
Length: 20 cm
Food: Regularly eating medium crickets and veggies
Toilet: Regular
Behaviour: Booster has been becoming more readily handled in the last few weeks.  He is no longer fleeing at my first attempt to pick him up each time.  If I miss at first attempt or am a little slow he will still try to get away from time to time, but, overall, he is becoming much better at being handled.  I am going to try it more regularly to keep the improvement going.

Very happy with Booster continuing to grow.  After the initial period of not growing at all for weeks, he is now growing consistently every weigh in.  It is difficult to gauge when he is in the same enclosure as Lolly as she is just getting bigger and bigger and it makes it hard to see his growth at all by comparison.  I am very glad that I have been keeping this record now as otherwise, I think I would be very concerned without the empirical evidence to show that he is in fact growing pretty well.

Booster is not eating from my hand yet.  I think he might come around before too long.  He shies away from my hand when dangling crickets in front of him, but, doesn't flee.  He looks a little curious if anything.  So I am hopeful that he will be able to be hand fed some time in the near future.

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