Weigh in day again today. I'm very happy with the growth of both Dragons this week. I took the opportunity of having both Beardies out of their den to given it a complete clean out. I took everything out and gave it all a good going over. Not a single cricket running around. Although I didn't expect any as the feeding has been going so well.
After their weigh in, I put both Dragons in one of the feeding trays and put it half in direct sunlight for them to get a bit of natural light for a change. They both seemed to really enjoy it. I will have to do it more often. Booster even seemed to be quite calm in there, which is not often then case where he is concerned.
Weight: 25 grams (+4)
Length: 21 cm (+2)
Food: 10 bought crickets, 1 wild cricket, daisy greens
Toilet: Yes
Behaviour: We had a great time with Lolly today. After the feeding, we took her out to hold her, and took the opportunity to put her on the window sill at the bottom of the main window in our living room. It is a very big window and the sill sits only a few inches above the floor. There should could lap up the rays of the afternoon sun. I think she quite enjoyed it. She didn't move away from the spot for the 10-15 minutes that we sat with her. She moved on the spot a bit watching us all as we interacted, but, stayed put on the whole. I am thinking that a nice little bean cushion or something there would be perfect for her.
One other fantastic moment with Lolly today was with a cricket I caught in the back yard. It was a little bigger than the ones we normally give the Dragons and a different species. This one could jump amazing distances. It took me a dozen or more goes to catch it. Not the same for our Lolly. I put it into the Den to see how the Beardies would go with a prey slightly more difficult to catch.
When I put it in at first, neither of them took much notice. From what I understand, movement of such critters is what stimulates the natural predatory instincts. This is certainly true for Lolly in particular. So I gave the little cricket a bit of a touch and he jumped half way across the Den! That caught the eye of the Beardies.
I touched the cricket again and he jumped clear across the Den onto the plan nearest where Lolly and Booster were chillaxing after their main meals. Both sets of eyes were immediately fixed on this new visitor. Lolly's tail started to twitch. She was flicking it in a manner that almost looked like she was saying to Booster..."Hey, check that guy out..." as it hit her Den mate. Lolly could wait no more, she made her way quickly over until she was right beneath the cricket. JT and I watched intently as she moved into a position contorting her body in such a way as to maximise her jump at the prey. What was fascinating to see was her tongue extend out of her mouth almost chameleon like (if much shorter of course) as she snaffled up that cricket at the first attempt as she jumped up off the branch and dropped gracefully to the floor of the Den and quietly chewed on her supper.
JT an I looked at each other with a mixture of amazement, awe and glee to have witnessed such a fantastic display.
Weight: 14 grams (+3)
Length: TBA
Food: 13 crickets, daisy greens
Toilet: Yes
Behaviour: Booster was relatively quiet after the weigh in while in the feeding tray when I let them have some time in the sun. He was even less jumpy than usual when Danika came close in her 2 year old exuberant way. Calmer still when I lifted the tray up to my eye line prior to returning them to the Den. I was able to have a great close up look at the two Dragons side by side. Seeing the differences in everything from the size of their heads, colouration and patterns. It looks like Booster may be getting ready to shed from the main part of his torso. His legs, tail and head have the distinct look of having been shed recently with some colour coming through. Also, his back has a dullness about it that suggests that it wont be long now.
A great sign today was at feeding time. I let both Beardies have some time after weigh in to settle themselves before approaching them again to feed. After getting Lolly out into her tray of crickets, I moved in with the second tray to start feeding Booster. Normally he waits up on his perch until he sees a cricket on the ground. Checks it out to make sure it is food, then scampers down. Today he saw the tray, came straight on down before I had even got half way in! I have been thrilled with the improvement in his eating this week. It has been reflected in his weight gain, which was as much again as he has put on in the entire time we have had him. Go Booster!
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