Friday, April 30, 2010

Dragon Diary - 29/04/2010

I set the crickets loose a breeding today (well yesterday now, I didn't get around to posting last night).  They are happily chirping away in the laundry.  I was going to put them out in the garage, but they don't appear to be as noisy as first anticipated.  So now, we wait for a couple of days before removing the first laying dish.  Three weeks after that I might see some 'pinheads'.  Which is the term I have come to understand to be the word for itty bitty baby crickets.  I can only assume it is because of their size.  Given that crickets only live for a month or two I can only imagine how fast they grow.


Food: 1 cricket witnessed
Toilet: Yes
Behaviour: Lolly was quite off her food today.  She is shedding on her head and by the looks of it her tail won't be too far behind as well as maybe one of her legs.  She's bee rubbing up against thing to try and remove the skin.  I can only assume that it is annoying enough to put her off her food.

When I took her out of the den to feed her, she was not interested in the crickets at all and doesn't look to have visited the salad bar at all.  I saw her eat one cricket when I put her back in the den.  She was quite placid to the point on inactivity.  I am putting it down to the shedding, but, will only do so for a day or two before I look into it more deeply.


Food: 5-10 crickets
Toilet: Yes
Behaviour: Booster happily took crickets in the den.  There was no interest in the salad bar from him either.  I have refrained from handling him again as I as still just happy to see him eating regularly.  Who knows, maybe he will even grow a little this week!

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