I started my cricket breeding project today. I am going to give it a go. I bought a few plastic tubs with lids and have started making holes in the lids and attaching fly screen for ventilation. I have taken some photos of the process and will do up a page on what is going on with it all soon. Stage 1 is nearly complete.
Food: 10+ Crickets, Pumpkin
Toilet: Yes
Behaviour: Lolly went straight for the pumpkin I put in the salad bar today. First up success! She is becoming very comfortable with being handled when I take her out for feeding and then some time interacting afterwards. She made her way through about 10 crickets in the tub this afternoon. She also found one in the enclosure later on that somehow managed to be found on the couch an hour or so after the feeding session. She hunted it down on the rocky backdrop and snapped it up!
Food: 5-7 crickets, maybe some pumpkin
Toilet: Yes
Behaviour: Booster got quite a few crickets today. I saw him take 2 before he started watching me more than the crickets and I left. There were no crickets visible a short time later, so I think he got all that I put in.
I tried handling him today. He is still as flighty as ever. He wouldn't sit still for a second and jumped onto the floor at one stage. I had to sped a few minutes cornering him under the coffee table while holding of our youngest who didn't know he was there and was placing her feet far to casually for the situation.....the thought of a squishy Dragon did not appeal to much. I think the handling will be put off for a little while yet. I'll see if I can get some size on him first.
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