Monday, April 5, 2010

Dragon Diary - 05/04/2010


Food: None witnessed
Toilet: Don't think so
Behaviour:  Didn't see Booster eat again today.  I don't think he went to the toilet either.  He could be sneaking crickets when we aren't looking.  He is still frisky enough when I attempt to handle him, so I am still hopeful that he is eating, without being massively confident


Food: 5 crickets
Toilet: Yes
Behaviour: I fed Lolly in the tote tray again today.  I only put 5 crickets in at first go and she snapped them up straight away.  I only wish I had put a couple more in at the start.  When I put some more in, she was already done for the day.  I think missing the toilet yesterday meant the extra sizeable effort today was due.  It's interesting that their waste appears to consist of two distinct parts.  A white and a dark.  From what I have read, the white part is actually the equivalent of urine and comes out solid and dry.  I can only assume this is to conserve fluid as Dragons can live in quite arid areas.

Lizzy Puff

Lizzy is still at Reptiles inc. I'll give an update next time I speak with them. I'm going to head in and get some more crickets tomorrow, so I will get an update then.

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