The main thing to come out of my visit was temperature. I have read different things here and there, but, the main conclusion that I have come to is that 35C is about where I need to be under the heat lamp. I have a MicroClimate B1 Thermostat connected to the lamp the regulates the power to the bulb based on a sensor probe. From what I have learned today, I think I have had the sensor probe mounted too closely to the bulb and therefore the temperature has not been getting high enough. I also have a digital thermometer that has two probes. One probe I have mounted near to the heat bulb, the other at the other end of the enclosure. In this way I can have a good idea of the heat gradient accross the tank. Prior to moving the probe of the thermostat the temperature I was seeing at the warm end was about 31C. I am now seeing over 33C next to the lamp. So I believe that we are probably hitting the mark now.
g'day mate