As small as they are, looking at the photo with one of the eggs from which they emerged in the same frame, it really makes you wonder just how did they fit in there?
If you thought that was it for the week, hang on to your hat! Today, a mere three days after the new babies hatched, Lizzy, their mum, laid two more eggs! In the image below, you can see that they are just as healthy looking as their siblings' were. So soon you ask? It's actually not so much. It is not uncommon for female Golden Tails in captivity to lay as soon as 4 weeks after their previous clutch and do so several times in succession. In the wild, because of the climate in the small region in Queensland in which they are found, Golden Tails will actually lay all year round. The incubation period of the eggs will vary seasonally, but, otherwise the temperatures are such that generally, they hatch successfully, natural impediments notwithstanding. Obviously, males and females are not confined to enclosures and as such no doubt do not breed quite as frequently as they do in captivity.

For that reason, I am going to move Ecko, my male into a separate enclosure to give Lizzy a break. It is quite possible that she will have some retained sperm and produce further clutches. But, I am going to try and minimise the chances of more clutches in rapid succession by keeping them apart for a few months. The idea behind this is to keep Lizzy in the best of health. Along with Ecko, she has proven that she can produce healthy babies (although this pair had done so with their previous owner also), my responsibility is more than just to enjoy the reproductive process. It is also to ensure that they are kept in tip top shape.
With any luck one or even both of the babies will be female and I will have nice little colony going. I will most likely sell any males that are produced. Out of the 4 eggs, the odds are in my favour to get at least 1 female. Regardless, I will most likely only ever keep 1-2 males and never more than 1 in the same enclosure. Just in case.
So there it is. Quite an action packed few days.